Angels and demons…

Irene George
3 min readSep 14, 2021

They are everywhere around us…infact,we can be categorized as either one of them. No, its not like how they are represented in fanfiction or t.v. shows with wings or a horn…What we are is hidden deep inside each and every one of us. Do not fall into quick conclusion in placing someone into either of the category just because they flashed an innocent smile at you or you caught them when they were extremely mad about something. Looks can be very deceptive.

Photo by Ravi Roshan on Unsplash

Every biblical manifestation and popular folklore always perceived the “good”ones to be the angels and the “evil” to be the manifestation of the Satan himself. Today, in the real world, we seggregate each and every action as good or bad. But how do we know if someone is that good or pure just because they have acted out a good deed? Or on what criteria do we claim a person as harmful or bad just because they did something bad? We always believe that there is goodness buried deep inside each and everyone…but why do we also not believe that there is evil in the good?

For instance, look around all the politicians who knock around for votes during an election campaign with a smile , fake or not, plastered to their face. Its easy for them to promise everything that the voters ask for, but how many actually fulfill their necessity once in power? Intentions and desires are different for each one of us…despite the good or the bad. They drive us to make good or bad decisions. But the real question is: How can you blindly evaluate a person’s intentions and choices without hearing out their story?

In this internet era, we can get a glimpse of quite an alarming rate of videos and vlogs of negative attitude shown by celebrities or popular personalities or some reaction video of a person to a negative comment. Do we actually think about how we would react if we were in such a situation before forwarding such content to others? We would have reacted worse if someone insulted us and we blame them for doing so. Just because someone acted out in a situation doesn’t mean that they are bad. How would we feel if someone who barely knows you calls you mean?

There is evil everywhere among us. And the fact gets even funnier when we realise that the true people who laugh the hardest when we fall or crave our defeat the most in our life will be the closest person to us. It can be our dearest friend with whom we share our secrets with…it can be your sibling,your colleague from work with whom you spend your coffee time with or sometimes even your life partner. You never know! There are no limits as to how envy and pride can make people think bad about someone. No, it isn’t easy to put up with the obstacles and challenges that the people closest to us can place us in. The best we can do is to identify the toxic people who pull us down and stay away from them when we can.

Embracing positivity can be done by finding the good in youself and in others. Sit down with a cup of coffee and have a good conversation with that person who people label in the “danger zone” due to his/her anger management. You will be surprised to find out the goodness in that person you refused to talk to just because people claimed him/her as good or bad. Be the change and forgive others…holding grudge is not worth the headache. However, look out for those people who climb back into your life just to exploit your vulnerability…not all deserve second chances. At the end, it isn’t about being the good or the bad. It is all about doing good or bad deeds to others. Don’t forget that the devil was once an angel.

